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This site is designed for communication with residents and homeowners.
Ashton Glenn is a great community of 218 homes. We are proud of our active community of friendly people working together for everyone's benefit....










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It is the Homeowner's responsibility to:

Keep the swales clean of vegetation, debris or 
anything that would stop water flow. 

 Keep the drainage gates, whether large or small, 
free of anything that would interfere with water 
flow. Neighbors helping neighbors and notifying 
them of problems is the best solution we have of 
keeping our drainage water flowing properly. 

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                          Please - Speed limit

                   25 MPH





CRobert Miller [rrmiller08@icloud.com]Cont

Wanted: Website Sponsors

Do you work for a company that might like to be a sponsor?

The cost is only $25/year for Ashton Glenn Residents.

Check out the sponsor’s page on Ashtonglennhoa.com

Your company can have their ad copied as they choose.


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To remind everyone of the "Dog Rules of the Road"
Owners are expected to clean up after their pet - common areas, sidewalks, and roads included.

Dogs are not permitted on any yards except their own and the common areas.

It does not matter if you have a large or small dog. It is still a dog.

It does not matter if someone else doesn't follow these rules, you are expected to set a better example.




Your Street Light
In case a street light in your area is not working,here is what to do…. at the base of the light there may bethe letters “LO”followed by a number.
TelephoneSantee Cooperat 347-3399 and report this number.  If there is no number,give the address closest to the light.
They will make repairs.
  This web site is provided for the residents of Ashton Glenn as a service of the Ashton Glenn
Homeowner's Association. It has been developed and is maintained by a committee of
residents and is intended only for the residents of Ashton Glenn. Users do so at their
own risk and are encouraged to provide comments, sugestions, and concerns to the
web site committee.We hope that you will share your talents as we continue to build a safe, friendly